The Arsenal Files 1
The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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693 lines
!|1W0$RWTTMP2.ICN|1C154RGG8G0|Y01000400|c00|@5A0BNew Cadet Signup
!|@5B0CNew Cadet Signup|c0B|@590ANew Cadet Signup|Y03000100|c00
!|@651KYou've logged onto the world's most advanced
!|@0R1WMulti-User Bulletin Board System, The Major BBS.
!|@0R2GBefore going into that, though, let's get acquainted. If you'll tell u\
s a
!|@0R2Qlittle about yourself, we'll create an account for you that you can use
!|@0R30anytime for "free samples" of what we have to offer. There will be
!|@0R3Acertain things you won't be able to do (like posting messages, etc.)
!|@0R3Kuntil you become a full Member of the Board... but you will have a chan\
!|@0R3Uto see if you like us first.
!|@3T4SClick on "OK" (or hit RETURN) to continue...|c0E
!|@641JYou've logged onto the world's most advanced
!|@0Q1VMulti-User Bulletin Board System, The Major BBS.
!|@0Q2FBefore going into that, though, let's get acquainted. If you'll tell u\
s a
!|@0Q2Plittle about yourself, we'll create an account for you that you can use
!|@0Q2Zanytime for "free samples" of what we have to offer. There will be
!|@0Q39certain things you won't be able to do (like posting messages, etc.)
!|@0Q3Juntil you become a full Member of the Board... but you will have a chan\
!|@0Q3Tto see if you like us first.
!|@3S4RClick on "OK" (or hit RETURN) to continue...
} T Introductory message for users when signing up
!|@2B2LWhich Interstelar/protocol would you prefer to use on this BBS?|c0D
!|@2A2KWhich Interstelar/protocol would you prefer to use on this BBS?
!|1M001735GN7K0000000 `H|w060E2C0X01|#|#|#
} T Account display/edit language list header
Choose a number from 1 to %d: } T Account display/edit language list footer
!|@234WFirst, the word below may or may not be in different colors:
!|@4Z6JDoes it appear in different colors?
!|@1A87(Just click on the response you want, or hit the highlighted key...)
!|c0E|@224VFirst, the word below may or may not be in different colors:
!|@4Y6IDoes it appear in different colors?
!|@1986(Just click on the response you want, or hit the highlighted key...)
I} T Asking a user signing up if they can see blinking
!|@0R4LGood\! Your answer will be used to control the ANSI features of this
!|@0R4Vsystem, (if and when neccessary).
!|@0R5GNow, if you'll tell us a bit about yourself, we'll get underway. Ju\
!|@0R5Qclick on "OK" (or hit RETURN) when you're ready to start...|c0E
!|@0Q4KGood\! Your answer will be used to control the ANSI features of this
!|@0Q4Usystem, (if and when neccessary).
!|@0Q5FNow, if you'll tell us a bit about yourself, we'll get underway. Ju\
!|@0Q5Pclick on "OK" (or hit RETURN) when you're ready to start...
} T Lead-in to signup questions message
!|@2V4CTo start with, please enter your first and last name:|w050D0Y0D04
} T Asking a user signing up for their first and last names
!|1U133Y00000000<><>|c0E|@4A4GNow, please enter your company name below:
!|@1M5ZOr, if you're not with a company, just click here (or hit RETURN):
!|1B00000201EQ020F000B030800020B09000000|1U5H6LCC720000<>Not With A Company<>`M
} T Asking a user signing up for their company name
!|@4U56Enter the first line of your address
!|@565L(your street address or P.O. box):
} T Asking a user signing up for their address (street)
!|@4Q56Enter the second line of your address
!|@5Y5L(your city, state and zip):|1B0000020PVK010F000D050000000F05000000
} T Asking a user signing up for their address (city,state,zip)
!|1U1H3X00000000<><>|c0E|@3U4GEnter the last line of your address (Country):
!|@2A5ZOr just click here (or hit RETURN) if you live in the U.S.:|w0P0N1I0N00
!|1B00000201EQ020F000B030800020B09000000|1U5H6LCC720D00<>Calling from U.S.<>`M
} T Asking a user signing up for their address
!|@4Q56Now enter a telephone number where you
!|@5Q5Lcan be reached during the day:|1B0000020PVK010F000D050000000F05000000
} T Asking a user signing up for their telephone number
!|@1E2AWe'd also like to know what kind of system you have, so that we can
!|@572Kserve you better. Do you have...
!|@2M7EClick on your system type, or hit the number beside it.
!|1U4T37CM3J1D00<>1 - An IBM PC or compatible<>1`M
!|1U4T3PCM411E00<>2 - An Apple Macintosh<>2`M
!|1U4T47CM4J1F00<>3 - An Apple other than Macintosh<>3`M
!|1U4T4PCM511G00<>4 - A Commodore Amiga<>4`M
!|1U4T57CM5J1H00<>5 - An Atari, any model<>5`M
!|1U4T5PCM611I00<>6 - A Radio Shack unit, any model<>6`M
!|1U4T67CM6J1J00<>7 - A CP/M system of any sort<>7`M
!|1U4T6PCM711C00<>0 - None of the above<>0`M|#|#|#
} T Asking a user signing up what type computer they are using
!|@2657Now, if you don't mind us asking, what's your date of birth?|w0T0S1D0S00
|(mm/dd/yy): ]D
} T Asking a user signing up how old they are
!|1U394400000000<><>|1U3944EC600000<><>|c0E|@5D4PAre you|@984Por|@BX4P?
!|@425D(Click on one, or hit the highlighted key.)
} T Asking a user signing up what sex they are
!|@0R3BNow, you need to choose a "User-ID" for yourself. Your User-ID will be
!|@0R3Lyour "code name" on this system. You will use it to identify yourself
!|@0R3Vto the system when you log on, and other users will know you by this
!|@0R45name. You will probably want to use your real name as your User-ID,
!|@0R4Fbut you do have the option of choosing something different.|c0E
!|@0Q3ANow, you need to choose a "User-ID" for yourself. Your User-ID will be
!|@0Q3Kyour "code name" on this system. You will use it to identify yourself
!|@0Q3Uto the system when you log on, and other users will know you by this
!|@0Q44name. You will probably want to use your real name as your User-ID,
!|@0Q4Ebut you do have the option of choosing something different.
!|@2E5LDo you want to be known as|c0A
} T Use user name as user-id prompt
!|@0R3BNow, you need to choose a "User-ID" for yourself. Your User-ID will be
!|@0R3Lyour "code name" on this system. You will use it to identify yourself
!|@0R3Vto the system when you log on, and other users will know you by this
!|@0R45name. Your User-ID can be 3 to 29 characters long (including letters,
!|@0R4Fspaces, commas, periods and hyphens). If you want it capitalized a
!|@0R4Pcertain way (for example, "John McLean"), type it just that way. If
!|@0R4Zyou use all lower case or ALL UPPER CASE, the system will apply its own
!|@0R59capitalization standards.|c0E
!|@0Q3ANow, you need to choose a "User-ID" for yourself. Your User-ID will be
!|@0Q3Kyour "code name" on this system. You will use it to identify yourself
!|@0Q3Uto the system when you log on, and other users will know you by this
!|@0Q44name. Your User-ID can be 3 to 29 characters long (including letters,
!|@0Q4Espaces, commas, periods and hyphens). If you want it capitalized a
!|@0Q4Ocertain way (for example, "John McLean"), type it just that way. If
!|@0Q4Yyou use all lower case or ALL UPPER CASE, the system will apply its own
!|@0Q58capitalization standards.
!|@4967Enter the User-ID you want to be known as:|w0P0V1I0V00
} T Asking a user signing up to choose a User-ID for themselves
!|@0R3BNow, you need to choose a "User-ID" for yourself. Your User-ID will be
!|@0R3Lyour "code name" on this system. You will use it to identify yourself
!|@0R3Vto the system when you log on, and other users will know you by this
!|@0R45name. Your User-ID can be 3 to 29 characters long (including letters,
!|@0R4Fspaces, commas, periods and hyphens and digits). If you want it
!|@0R4Pcapitalized a certain way (for example, "John McLean"), type it just th\
!|@0R4Zway. If you use all lower case or ALL UPPER CASE, the system will apply
!|@0R59its own capitalization standards.|c0E
!|@0Q3ANow, you need to choose a "User-ID" for yourself. Your User-ID will be
!|@0Q3Kyour "code name" on this system. You will use it to identify yourself
!|@0Q3Uto the system when you log on, and other users will know you by this
!|@0Q44name. Your User-ID can be 3 to 29 characters long (including letters,
!|@0Q4Espaces, commas, periods and hyphens and digits). If you want it
!|@0Q4Ocapitalized a certain way (for example, "John McLean"), type it just th\
!|@0Q4Yway. If you use all lower case or ALL UPPER CASE, the system will apply
!|@0Q58its own capitalization standards.
!|@4967Enter the User-ID you want to be known as:|w0P0V1I0V00
} T Asking a sign-up for User-ID (digits allowed)
!|@2W4NEnter the User-ID you want to use to identify yourself:
} T Asking again for a User-ID (they just typed <Enter>)
UIDOK {!|1K|Y00000100|w0000000010|1I0H1D00010$RWTTMP1|1I0H5600010$RWTTMP2|1C112NGQ6U0
!|@1B2ZHere is a simulated message, showing how your User-ID will appear to
!|@7J39other users:|@4Y43From|@4D4DHow does this run so many users at once?
!|@3Q5AAre you satisfied with your choice of User-ID?|c0A
} T Asking a user to confirm their choice of User-ID
PSWIRON {!|1K|w0000000000|10$MKILL$|10$COFF$|1I0H1D00010$RWTTMP1.ICN
!|@0R29Now, you'll also need to select a password, so that you can keep
!|@0R2Jother people from using your account without your permission. Make it
!|@0R2Tshort and memorable, but not obvious. The security of your account
!|@0R33depends on nobody else knowing what your password is.|c0E|@4I1QOk,|c0A
!|c0E|@0Q28Now, you'll also need to select a password, so that you can keep
!|@0Q2Iother people from using your account without your permission. Make it
!|@0Q2Sshort and memorable, but not obvious. The security of your account
!|@0Q32depends on nobody else knowing what your password is.|#|#|#
} T Telling a user signing up what a password is
GPSWORD1 {!|1K|Y00000100|1I0H5600010$RWTTMP2.ICN|1C345BEF700|1P345C010|1C345CEF710
!|@4Y5OEnter the password you plan to use:|w0Z0T180T00
} T Asking a user signing up to choose a password
!|@3M5OPlease re-enter your password for verification:|w0Z0T180T00
} T Asking a user signing up to verify a password
PSWEPI2 {!|1K|w0000000000|1I0H1D00010$RWTTMP1.ICN|1I0H5600010$RWTTMP2.ICN|Y01000300|c00
!|@0T1DYour account has been created\!|c0A|@0S1CYour account has been created\!
!|c0C|@0S21WRITE YOUR INFORMATION DOWN,if you haven't
!|@0S2Qalready. There will be nothing anyone can do for
!|@0S3Fyou if you forget your User-ID or password. We
!|@0S44don't give out people's passwords by mail or over
!|@0S4Tthe phone,even if they "sound" totally honest.
!|@0S5ISo if you forget your password,or give it to
!|@0S67someone who shouldn't have it,you are "up the
!|@0S6Wcreek". KEEP YOUR PASSWORD TO YOURSELF.|Y00000100|c00
!|@0U81Click on "OK" (or hit RETURN) when you have
!|@0U8Bwritten down your User-ID and password...|c0E
!|@0T80Click on "OK" (or hit RETURN) when you have
!|@0T8Awritten down your User-ID and password...
} T Telling a user to REMEMBER their choice of User-ID/password
!|1U0K0FH86X0000<><>|w04022F0U11|Y00000100|c00|@797OWelcome then, to|c0E
!|@787NWelcome then, to|Y01000200|1B0000020080030B000F080100000F07000000
!|1U0D82HD8V0000<> CRSYSTEM_NAME<>|#|#|#
One moment, please... } T Welcoming a user to the Main Menu for the first time
!|@2Z3ISorry, that is not a valid Cadet-ID for this system.|@2Z3STry again...|#
} T Reply to a choice of User-ID that is invalid
!|@2Z3ISorry, that Cadet-ID is not available at this time.|#|#|#
} T Reply to a choice of User-ID with mild imbedded profanity
!|@2Z3ISorry, some of our Cadets might take a Cadet-ID like
!|@2Z3Sthat the wrong way. Try a different one.|#|#|#
} T Reply to a choice of User-ID with imbedded profanity
!|W00|@2Z3EHey, none of that\! You will find this system does
!|@2Z3Onot take kindly to those who use words like that\!|@2Z3YTry again...\
} T Reply to choice of User-ID with strong imbedded profanity
!|@2Z3ISorry, your Cadet-ID must be at least 3 characters
!|@2Z3Slong. Try again...|#|#|#
} T Reply to choice of User-ID that is too short
!|@2Z3IThat's a little too long. Max. size for a Cadet-ID
!|@2Z3Sis %d characters. Try again...
} T Reply to choice of User-ID that is too long
!|@2Z3CSorry, the Cadet-ID "%s" is
!|@2Z3Mis already being used by someone else.|@2Z3WTry a different one...|#|#|#
} T Reply to choice of User-ID that is not unique
!|@2Z3IThat's a little to long...
!|@2Z3SA maximum of %d characters is allowed here.
} T Reply to a too-long answer of some sign-up question
!|@2Z3ICome on now, there's no need to be vulgar about it.
!|@2Z3SWe just want to have some idea of who you are...|#|#|#
} T Reply to an answer with imbedded profanity
!|@2Z3ICome on now, there's no need to be vulgar about it.
!|@2Z3SPlease enter a more wholesome password...|#|#|#
} T Reply to a password with imbedded profanity
!|@2Z3IThat number is out of range...
!|@2Z3SPlease enter a number in the range from %d to %d...
} T Reply to an answer that was not numeric or was out of range
!|@2Z3IVery funny...|@2Z3SPlease indicate "M" for male, or "F" for female...
} T Reply to a person claiming to be of sex other than M or F
!|Y01000200|1U1O09GF120000<>A C C O U N T D I S P L A Y / E D I T<>
!|1M000Z2HGY7T0000000 `H|1C077YHL940|W00|=00000001|L0N090N09|#|#|#
} T Account display/edit menu information line 1 - User/ID
UINMNU2 {!|Y00000100|c00|@181LCredits:|c0E|@171KCredits:|c0F
} T Account display/edit menu information line 2 - Credits
} T Account display/edit menu information line 3 - Language
!|1U4G828S8E0000<>Display Statistics<>S`M
!|1U9082DC8E0000<>Display/Edit Info<>A`M|#|#|#
The following account services are available:
Display Statistics =>
Display statistics on your account
Display/Edit Info =>
Display or edit account info (address/phone/password)} T Account display/edit menu choices - Stats & Acct
!|1U0B82488E0000<>Transfer Credits<>T`M|#|#|#
Transfer Credits =>
Transfer credits to another user} T Account display/edit menu choice - Transfer
!|1UDK82HH8E0000<>Change Language<>$PCB$L`M|#|#|#
Change Language =>
Change language/protocol preference} T Account display/edit menu choice - Language
!|1U1P8S4I940000<>Hail Captain<>/p sysop`M|1U4S8S7U940000<>Lifeform Scan<>/#`M
!|1U838SBM940000<>Leave this Deck<>X`M|1UBU8SDE940000<>Bridge<>/go top`M
!|1UDM8SEV940000<>Info<>/go info`M|1B00000207QQ02040F0F080300000F07005L00
!|1UF88SHH940000<>Beam Home<>/go exit`M|#|#|#
Please click on button of your choice. } T Account display/edit menu footer
!|1M000000HR9P0000000 `H|#|#|#
Your information has been updated.
} T Account display/edit information saved
!|1M000004HR9P0000000 `H|#|#|#
No changes to information.
} T Account display/edit info not saved (weren't any changes)
!|1M000000HR9P0000000 `H|#|#|#
Changes discarded (account not updated).
} T Account display/edit information not saved
!|1K|1P077Y000|1M000X2FGW7R0000000 `H|#|#|#
User-ID ....................
Account Created ............
Last Logon .................
Account Class ..............
Time Limit Per Call ........
Time Limit Per Day .........
ANSI setting this session ..
} T Account display/edit, account "statistics"
Days Left in This Class ....
} T Account display/edit, days left in class line
!|1M000000HR9P0000000 `H|#|#|#
Please WRITE YOUR NEW PASSWORD DOWN and do not let anyone else know what
it is. This is your ONLY PROTECTION against other people trashing your
account. There will be nothing anyone can do for you if you either forget
your password or give it out to someone who shouldn't have it.
Remember: your password is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. If you lose it, you are
"up the creek". WRITE IT DOWN.
} T Account display/edit, warning user about new password
!|1K|Y000001LD|1P077Y000|1M060X2FGW7R0000000 `H
!|1U0W8O3I900000<>Page Sysop<>/p sysop`M|1U3Q8O6X900000<>Users Online<>/#`M
!|1U758O9A900000<>Exit<>X`M|1U9I8OC0900000<>TOP Menu<>/go top`M
!|1UC88OEX900000<>Info Menu<>/go info`M
!|1B00000207QQ02040F0F080700000F07005L00|1UF58OGQ900000<>Logoff<>/go exit`M
This option is used to transfer credits to another account.
How many credits would you like to transfer? } T Account display/edit, asking how many credits to transfer
!|1K|1P077Y000|1M000X2FGW7R0000000 `H|#|#|#
This option is used to transfer credits to another account.
You must have at least %s credits in order to transfer any, because that
is the minimum amount you can transfer.
} T Account display/edit, insufficient credits for transferring
!|1K|1K|1P077Y000|1M000X2FGW7R0000000 `H|#|#|#
Sorry, the User-ID "%s" was just deleted a moment ago!
No credits were transferred.
} T Credit transfer fell through -- user deleted
!|1K|1K|1P077Y000|1M000X2FGW7R0000000 `H|#|#|#
NOTE: due to the passage of time, you
have only %s credits available
for transfer -- we have assumed
you want to transfer them all.
} T Credit transfer fell short of the goal
%s credits have been transferred from %s to %s.
} T Confirmation back to user of credit transfer
%s is online and has been notified of the transfer.
} T Informing transferer that recipient has been notified
*** Credit transfer not confirmed ***
Returning to main User Info Editor menu...
} T Confirming user's rejection of the transfer of credits
!|@2Z3DThe password you have chosen could easily be hacked
!|@2Z3Nby somebody wanting to steal your account. Please
!|@2Z3Xchoose something different for your safety...|#|#|#
} T User made password his User-ID or "password"
!|@2Z3IThe two password entries you have made do not match\!
!|@2Z3SPlease start again with your desired password...|#|#|#
} T User did not verify correct password
!|@2Z2XI'm sorry, there are either some special characters
!|@2Z37in the name you entered that are not allowed, or
!|@2Z3Hsomeone else is already using that name. Since your
!|@2Z3Rreal name is what you'll be known as throughout the
!|@2Z41system, please re-enter your name in a slightly|@2Z4Bdifferent manner...
} T User's real name was a bad user-id